Technical mission to India, INFO.GOV.ZA
Trade and Industry Deputy Minister Elizabeth Thabethe leads a technical mission to India
19 Aug 2012
The Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Ms Elizabeth Thabethe will lead a technical mission to India from today 19 – 30 August 2012 to observe progress made by the Indian government on the development of Small Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs), as well as the connectivity of rural economies to the mainstream economic activity in the country.
“South Africa and India are both developing countries confronted by similar economic development challenges, however the latest developments have indicated that India has progressed impressively in the area of informal business development and it is in relation to these that we are undertaking this visit,” she said.
Thabethe added that the mission would span four cities, visiting industry role-players in the city of Kerala, Chennai, Mumbai and New Delhi.